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Sentence examples for of literary imitation from inspiring English sources

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Twitter plays with the art of literary imitation.

The New Yorker

Love's Wounds deals provocatively with a range of canonical literary works and areas such as rhetoric and ethics, the practice of literary imitation, and the representation of early modern martyrdom and violence". "The fascinating Love's Wounds contains phrases that are as sharp as poniards.

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Posthumously his place in the canon of ancient authors was secure; he was a historian, philosopher, and man of action, a perfect model for the young (a view expressed, for example, by Dion Chrysostom [Dio Cocceianus]) and an object of systematic literary imitation by Arrian.

Grounding his readings of hyperbole in the history of rhetoric and literary imitation, Johnson traces how rhetorical excess acquires specific cultural, political, aesthetic, and epistemological value.

It's always the trouble with literary imitation: without a specific parodic target, a consistent performance of bad style is still just bad style, and a dedicated simulation of boredom is still boring.

Literary imitation is a time-honoured tradition, and one that was centre-stage for many centuries.

The earliest literary imitations of ballads were modeled on broadsides rather than on folk ballads.

It is clear from the literary imitations by Catullus (84 54 bc), that they were very free, even obscene, in language.

Because they address some of the most fundamental aspects of literary production, these quarrels shed light on similar debates about vernacular literature, which also turned on imitation and the role of the author.

The most important literary dispute of the Renaissance pitted those writers of Neo-Latin who favored imitation of Cicero alone, as the single best exemplar of Latin prose, against those who preferred to follow an eclectic array of literary models.

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