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Sentence examples for of literary culture from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 44 )

Book publishers have long seen themselves as the gatekeepers of literary culture.

It says even better things about the state of literary culture.

To some, the paucity of feuds is connected to the larger state of literary culture.

The bifurcation of literary culture into "high" and "low" literature will continue to cause headaches.

What is meant to be a disabused view of literary culture becomes an enthralled view of literary commerce.

I think it's a clever nod to the fact that for many smoking is an integral part of literary culture.

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similar ( 16 )

The problem of translation remains one of the most enduring challenges for scholars of literary cultures.

"And the act of union has not been an act of union of literary cultures and, for the reasons I mentioned before, there are very strong reasons for that.

The mission of the undergraduate program in Comparative Literature is to develop students' verbal and written communication skills, their ability to read analytically and critically, and their global knowledge of literary cultures and the specific properties of literary texts.

She is working on a book about the beginnings of literary cultures in the nineteenth-century Caribbean, and a documentary film about the Haitian Revolution of 1791-1804 and its cultural and political impact.

Mauberley, a finely chiseled "portrait" of one aspect of British literary culture in 1919, is one of the most praised poems of the 20th century.

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