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Sentence examples for of literary convention from inspiring English sources

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Kelman insists that it was never a choice to be a sweary, unpunctuated breaker of literary convention.

The Guardian - Books

Emma Hagestadt in The Independent newspaper described O'Farrell's focus on "a father's postnatal ravings" as an "inspired upending of literary convention".

Aside from Natraja, who is not quite like anybody else encountered in an innocents abroad story, these characters smack of literary convention.

Crowning Moment: The satire whistles and foghorns of beautifully controlled insanity go off as these two break all the rules of literary convention long into the night.

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Over time, we've maintained a belief that Jakobson's idea of "literary conventions" still exists, at least in the classroom.

I use that near-meaningless term to mean works that impeccably adhere to the most difficult of literary conventions while also uniquely subverting and exceeding them.

Science fiction is driven by organized fandom, volunteers who put on hundreds of literary conventions in every corner of the globe, every weekend of the year.

Contextualists who attend to what they see as the aesthetic unity of the whole Platonic corpus, and therefore seek a consistent picture of Socrates, advise close readings of the dialogues and appeal to a number of literary conventions and devices said to reveal Socrates's actual personality.

Cernat notes: "That which essentially unifies, during [the 1910s], the poetic output of Adrian Maniu, Ion Vinea and Tristan Tzara is an acute awareness of literary conventions, a satiety in respect to calophile literature, which they perceived as exhausted".

The use of different Prakrits for different sorts of personages in dramas doubtless represents the adaptation to literary convention of different regional varieties that were vernaculars at one time.

We only focused on books labeled "fiction" or "literature" because we wanted to test our belief in Jakobson's idea of the literary convention.

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