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Sentence examples for of culture tradition from inspiring English sources

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Presenting works by 42 artists, collaborations and collectives from 18 different countries, this year's model "examines the boundaries of culture, tradition, heritage and nationality," according to the news release.

The New York Times

In fact, even the term Existenz became increasingly scarce in his post-1945 publicandons, and it was replaced, to a large extent, by ideas of shared humanity, founded, not in the decisive experiences of inner transformation, but in the resources of culture, tradition and ethically modulated political life.

Recently appearing in Nylon, Rookie, and Stereogum, Paoro is ready to debut her most recent work -- an amalgam of culture, tradition, and soul.

All things considered, I've concluded that virginity is a combination of self-knowledge and the courage to follow that inner truth -- apart from the inherited mores of culture, tradition and family.

"The authoritative voice of religious institutions is vital because much of the gender inequality that exists has historically been justified by reasons of culture, tradition or religion," Ms. Veneman told the assembly in Kyoto, Japan.

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With the exception of Native Americans, we all came to this land from some other place in the world community, and this country is a melting pot of cultures, traditions, appearances, and languages.

The richness of Native American culture, tradition, and history is too often invisible to the general U.S. population.

Nonetheless, living with an Armenian father, I grew to understand key elements of that culture: tradition, modesty, personal reserve and propriety about the way certain things are done.

The female interviewees gave several examples of how culture, tradition or language rise ethical issues within the initial meeting which they found compromised being beneficent towards the patient.

On the surface, this sympathy is not surprising, given the long pop culture tradition of rooting for the bad guy.

You'll get a much better understanding of the culture, traditions and historic significance.

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