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Sentence examples for of academic tradition from inspiring English sources

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The origins of modern art are traditionally traced to the mid-19th-century rejection of Academic tradition in subject matter and style by certain artists and critics.

Encyclopedia Britannica

Courbet himself presides over all the figures with ingenuous conceit, working on a landscape and turning his back to a nude model, a symbolic representation of academic tradition.

In Chapter VIII of his book, 'Foundations of Modern Analysis', Jean Dieudonné criticized the adoption of the Riemann integral in Calculus courses as follows: 'Only the stubborn conservatism of academic tradition could freeze it into a regular part of curriculum, long after it had outlived its historical importance'.

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Compared with the great centers of learning in Europe, with their centuries of academic traditions, this is still a very young university.

Modern research on the historical Jesus has not led to a unified picture of the historical figure, partly because of the variety of academic traditions represented by the scholars.

The composition is notable for both its adherence to academic tradition (the mastery of the figure as an end in itself), and its uniqueness in transposing the male nude to an outdoor setting.

The headmaster, J. F. Roxburgh, emphasized artistic and literary development, a loosening of the constraints of hidebound academic tradition and respect for individual liberty, qualities that were admiringly recollected in Lord Annan's 1964 book, "Roxburgh of Stowe".

Research activity in the field of general practice has started recently, but the lack of an academic tradition in this field and shortage of relevant infrastructure, do not encourage research careers for general practitioners.

Perhaps because of its academic tradition and the Netherlands' historic role as a crossroads of international commerce, Leiden is a city of museums.

The 106 works trace the last hurrah of the academic tradition and the dazzling drawing skills it spawned through several generations of extraordinary talent and artistic innovations, from Neo-Classicism to the doorstep of Neo-Impressionism.

Sargent still carried with him the values of the academic tradition in which he was trained.

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