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Sentence examples for normal course of business from inspiring English sources

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"normal course of business" is a correct and usable phrase in written English. It is often used to describe regular activities that take place in a company or organization as part of the regular operations. For example: "The company is now back to its normal course of business after the holiday break."

exact ( 60 )

In the normal course of business, information about an actual sale would overwrite any false data.

In the normal course of business, we make a lot of photographs in a year.

"Data" means traffic data collected in the normal course of business by all communications service providers.

But he's given no indication that he'll drop the rule during the normal course of business.

Moreover, in the normal course of business, corporate officials will punish the offending agents themselves.

"We have no information that this matter wasn't handled satisfactorily in the normal course of business," Mr. Haeg said.

We were not able to forget about the people we see in the normal course of business".

"There are competitors of ours who don't pay tax as a normal course of business," he said.

But he said those emails were conducted in the normal course of business between a journalist and a politician.

We make adjustments as part of our normal course of business operations," the department store chain said in a statement.

"But you're likely having discussions about corporate growth with managers in your normal course of business," Taylor says.

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