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Sentence examples for my tenure at the company from inspiring English sources

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The phrase "my tenure at the company" is correct and usable in written English. It is usually used to refer to the length of time that someone has been employed or working for a particular company. For example: "Having worked at the company for five years, I have now completed my tenure at the company."

exact ( 1 )

During much of my tenure at the company, I studied at night.

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My baptism by fire with trust and venture capital came during my tenure at my first company, Spinner, which I co-founded with my current partner Dave Samuel.

He also praised Mr. Sokol's tenure at the company, saying his "contributions have been extraordinary".

She went on to say she had enjoyed her tenure at the company and wished the employees the best.

These tools help streamline communications across the enterprise, and bolster employee engagement throughout an employee's tenure at the company.

The average tenure at the company is 12 years—22 years if you don't count people working in call centers.

But Mr. Howard has a far longer tenure at the company and has overseen much of the machinery that has caused Fannie Mae's coffers to swell.

Although an inherited deficit made his tenure at the company one of his less happy experiences, Dennis never lost his long-term vision.

During his tenure at the company, Mr. Gehl, who commutes to West Bend from Milwaukee's North Shore suburbs, has become a town hero.

One of her team members, Terry Fletcher, a man 15 years her senior with a longer tenure at the company, wasn't doing his part.

(Nov. 14 and Nov. 18 at 8). | Anthony Minghella's production of "Madama Butterfly," now in its third season at the Met, remains the signature project of Peter Gelb's revitalizing tenure at the company.

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