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Sentence examples for more than happy to let you from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 7 )

This critique, as I've written about before, is overblown: companies today are valued based on what investors think they'll do over the next ten to twenty years, and a company like Amazon, which didn't make a profit until its ninth year, shows that, if you win investors' trust, they are more than happy to let you invest for the long run.

Students itching to face the actual moment of truth can buy a bull in Mexico for $1,000, where the locals are more than happy to let you do what you will with it.

It's scary to think about everything that could go wrong on your mission, but your lizard brain is more than happy to let you do it anyway.

They should be more than happy to let you know.

The owner should be more than happy to let you take feces off their hands.

Do what's expected of you respectfully and your parents should be more than happy to let you stay up later.

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similar ( 53 )

Republican Party leaders seem more than happy to let such misconceptions live and flourish.

And Mr. Balinov, an investment banker, was more than happy to let Mr. Shellhammer run wild.

Moby himself seems to realise that he's being upstaged yet he seems more than happy to let her take the plaudits.

Mr. Romney seemed more than happy to let them go, saying: "I don't want to be critical of people on this stage".

But Trump seems more than happy to let the blame fall elsewhere: On his Republican allies, on the Democrats, on Hillary Clinton.

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