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Sentence examples for modicum of star from inspiring English sources

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Despite harnessing a modicum of star power, Mr. Falor wasn't able to sell enough condos to keep all his deals moving along while paying down his mortgages on the properties.

Once, the modicum of "star quality" that attends educators inspired films ("Goodbye Mr. Chips," "To Sir with Love") or canonical novels celebrating the self-sacrificing lives of prairie schoolmarms.

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Shook says he and Dotolo -- who gained a modicum of fame by starring in a Food Network show in 2007 -- had actually planned to open their restaurant a few miles east, in the heart of Hollywood.

But there were moments when Williams, the team's star player, provided Nets fans a modicum of hope.

It is set in the United States, maybe because Mr. von Trier gets a modicum of pleasure tweaking Americans, but mostly because this is a movie full of Hollywood stars, and America, for better and for worse, epitomizes the world.

Anyway, football is a good sport to have some knowledge in, because then you can go into that new Leatherheads movie starring the hot guy from the Office and George Clooney was some modicum of understanding.

One kid he's been working with is J-Star Valentine, who is supporting him on tour and who gained a modicum of notoriety for his rather baroque rendition of Hallelujah on week one of The X Factor this year.

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