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Sentence examples for modicum of satisfaction from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 2 )

Unlike the game against England, which provided a modicum of satisfaction, the tie with Slovenia was unsettling, but Bradley will hold onto it just the same.

So let's be frank: this is what you're going to have to buy if you want any modicum of satisfaction when it comes to tablet computing.

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similar ( 58 )

Hiddink managed to combine praise for his players with a modicum of self-satisfaction in his justifiable assertion that: "The team was superior technically, tactically and physically.

Yet the question is whether the benefits of the Magnitsky Act emotional satisfaction, a modicum of justice for some of Magnitsky's persecutors, and other limited sanctions against Triple-A-level bad guys justify the costs, including certain Russian retaliation of some type and a possible break in coöperation on Iran or Afghanistan.

Yet the question is whether the benefits of the Magnitsky Act--emotional satisfaction, a modicum of justice for some of Magnitsky's persecutors, and other limited sanctions against Triple-A-level bad guys--justify the costs, including certain Russian retaliation of some type and a possible break in coöperation on Iran or Afghanistan.

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Examine your sources of satisfaction.

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English teacher at Nói Tiéng Anh Chuån, Vietnam

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