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exact ( 8 )

Ray, an open source project developed in RISELab, targets distributed Reinforcement Learning applications by providing an execution framework with support for millisecond-level tasks and millions of tasks per second throughput — performance targets needed by RL applications.

Since 2007, Todoist has accumulated more than 350,000 users and millions of tasks.

Co-founder Micha Kaufman explains that the entire ordering process for a task takes seconds and there have been millions of tasks completed to date.

From the seemingly insatiable quest for computing power, a new generation of computers was spawned--magnificently powerful supercomputers that can cost as much as $17 million and do millions of tasks per second.

The extreme scale of these modern systems require task scheduling algorithms that are capable of handling at least millions of tasks and thousands of machines.

These big data centers work with other large systems scattered around the globe, ideally working through millions of tasks, like showing videos or fetching sales projections, at once, with no regard from the customer for where the computing is actually taking place.

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similar ( 52 )

We have, since 1997, democratically elected a Labour government to fulfil many thousands of tasks on our behalf.

Although they haven't worked outside the home for many years, most participants have juggled hundreds of tasks from repairing household appliances to raising thousands of dollars for volunteer organizations.

Siasto founder Niccolo Pantucci tells us that, in just two months, its users have created hundreds of thousands of tasks, events, and projects.

When physicists overloaded one grid system by submitting tens of thousands of tasks at once, for example, the University of Wisconsin helped design applications to manage a grid's many users.

For instance, while the meta-analytic approach has the power to summarise thousands of task-related fMRI findings, it is limited by publication biases which prevent a generalisation of the current findings to all brain functions54.

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MA of Applied Linguistic, Maquarie University, Australia
English teacher at Nói Tiéng Anh Chuån, Vietnam

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