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Sentence examples for messenger saying that from inspiring English sources

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And he called Mr. Romney an imperfect conservative messenger, saying that on health care and environmental policy, "Mitt Romney has the same positions as Barack Obama".

The New York Times

Afterwards the Flash appears as a time messenger, saying that Lois is the key, and for Wayne to find the others.

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It is this focus, fans of "Shoot the Messenger" say, that clearly differentiates the show from late-night fare like "The Daily Show" and "The Colbert Report".

Serial entrepreneur James Currier — who cofounded NFX with longtime business partners Gigi Levy Weiss and Stan Chudnovsky (who's also the head of product at Facebook Messenger) says that like so many innovations, Signal comes from a problem he found himself struggling to address.

Michael Green, a cycling blogger and former messenger, said that when Mr. Horse began riding in illegal street races, he looked clean-cut, and some cyclists suspected he was an undercover police officer.

Mast will even provide phones if necessary, although Messenger said that when the company is reselling mobile network access or renting out devices, it's doing so at-cost: "Our business model is all about the software license".

"When I already know what I want to say, how do I personalize what I'm saying?" That's how Messenger Director of Product Management Peter Martinazzi describes the intent of all these new features.

Telling the story of the old king who dies and vanishes into the earth, the play's Messenger says, in Heaney's version: "Wherever that man went, he went gratefully".

BGR's sources said that BlackBerry Messenger for Android "is definitely a go" and hinted at a 2011 launch date.

At an early rehearsal of the Jazz Messengers, some of the musicians said, "that's one thing those white cats on the West Coast can't copy," Hentoff said in an interview.

He was recruited for the Messengers by saxophonist Benny Golson, who said that "He was inventive, He could play bebop and he could play funky – he could play a lot of things, and I thought it was the element that Art needed.

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