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Sentence examples for lots of ramps from inspiring English sources

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Mr. Gilfry admitted that he had "missed a lot of ramps and made lots of wrong turns" while singing at the wheel.

"There's a lot of ramps and some good rhubarb" was the kind of cheering but not exactly inspiring summation you would hear on an April morning.

The news comes as we see a lot of ramping up and reshuffling of top dogs in the mobile payments landscape.

I must admit that my wife, Betsey, a lowlander and a woman of delicate sensibilities, found the smell of the Ramp Feed far too much to take, and I suppose that eating lots of raw ramps would give any man or woman an industrial-strength case of halitosis, beyond the power of Listerine to cure.

Since then, Apple has added lots of new features, ramped up its performance and changed its colors probably a few more times than it should have.

"This includes lane changes, merges, on-ramps, off-ramps and lots of LA-metro traffic".

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