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Sentence examples for lent a lot of money from inspiring English sources

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In the financial crisis of 2008, he noted, the United States Federal Reserve lent a lot of money to the Europeans who needed it at that time.

The New York Times

This is all code for a simple and familiar plea: Do something that will protect investors, particularly creditors who have lent a lot of money to banks and countries that now appear to be in serious difficulty.

The European Central Bank, which has already lent a lot of money to Europe's banks, would step up its actions — pumping more money into the economy and bringing down the value of the euro, which has already fallen in value, but not by enough.

"The role of the ECB will probably increase over the next few years given that the ECB has lent a lot of money to Irish banks".

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Fortunately, right now foreigners are willing to lend a lot of money to the United States, as well as buy American stocks.

Here's the story up to now: There was a period when the Fed was lending a lot of money to banks under the TALF and all that — which is probably where the thing about giving the banks money comes from — but most of that has been repaid.

The banks' real problem, however, is not high costs, but low revenues.In this section First steps to safety Knowing your place Easier said than done Five-card brag Money for nothing Sad storeys The enforcer ReprintsFor the sake of maintaining relationships among members of the keiretsu, or corporate groups, Japanese bankers lend a lot of money to big, strong companies.

He was a banker and lent a lot of restaurateurs money before anyone else was doing that sort of thing.

And in a second deposition of Mr. Blake in 2005, which has not been made public but was reviewed by The New York Times, Mr. Blake states that he lent Mr. Patterson "a lot of money".

If they're going to lend you a lot of money, they've got to trust you".

"The real significance of it is not for someone to lend you a lot of money but to appear to be willing to do so," he said.

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