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Sentence examples for laws of market from inspiring English sources

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exact (3)

Mayor Bloomberg, as I noted, views the living wage as a violation of the laws of market fundamentals, among other sins.

The New York Times

There seem to be laws of market capture.

Not unless you have some kind of mad superpower that can rewrite the laws of market dynamics or change the nature of the Chinese government by wishing alone.

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similar (55)

A best seller Mr. Kramer fell across that laid out the "22 Immutable Laws of Marketing" made it clear that naming a business with a generic noun, a word resistant to easy Google search, spelled commercial doom.

He then sets out to explain at great length the physical laws of markets and democracy that have provided this vessel with buoyancy, while largely ignoring the struggle going on over who controls the rudder and the compass.

Al Ries and Jack Trout, The 22 Immutable Laws Of Marketing(1994)"Bring out the three old warhorses of competition – cost, quality, and service – and drive them to new levels, making every person in the organisation see them for what they are, a matter of survival".

The answer is that Halloween is a big thing, and salad is a big thing, and people love pumpkin and people love salad, so by the current laws of marketing, all those things needs must combine (along with pumpkin and bread, cookies, vodka, coffee and scores of other groceries).

There are other laws of marketing that can also affect the results.

Furthermore, your marketing programs can strongly influence your sales, provided they are in tune with the laws of marketing.

Korean automakers, like the Japanese a few decades ago, are betting the laws of marketing don't change.

In 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, which I wrote with my ex-partner, Al Ries, No. 16 was "The Law of Singularity".

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