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Sentence examples for laws of Geometry from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 11 )

They were always organised according to the laws of geometry or the patterns in a peacock's tail.

Hobbes observed that the only reason no one disputes the laws of geometry is that that they did not yet, but could one day, "cross any man's ambition".

Einstein, 42, came down to the road to meet his 70-year-old Bengali guest, who later recalled about his host, "His shock of white hair, his burning eyes, his warm manner again impressed me with the human character of this man who dealt so abstractly with the laws of geometry and mathematics".

This is more than mere facsimile: the most powerful and controversial idea among the avout concerns the "Hylaean Theoric World", and the question of whether the same ideas will occur independently to thinkers on different planets because there are certain transcendental truths - prime numbers, the value of pi, the laws of geometry - that exist on some higher plane.

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similar ( 49 )

If that doesn't break all the laws of Euclidean geometry.

His main interest is the fundamental laws of stress, geometry, and economy in the use of materials.

The law would state that the trajectories of material bodies are geodesics rather than Euclidean straight lines and that gravitation is not a force but rather a departure from the laws of Euclidean geometry.

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