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exact ( 1 )

But Rein has also managed to resist raising the kind of money that Silicon Valley VCs like to put to work and that can sometimes either drown a company or else force them to seek out far larger outcomes for their investors.

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A little friction in the system can cause disproportionately large outcomes for a company and a region.

For-profit colleges, frequently cited for having higher loan-default ratings and larger debt outcomes for students, often target low-income and minority students with their marketing and recruitment.

Many would rather not sell, and instead they roll the dice and hope for a larger outcome.

Although such reports are somewhat anecdotal, the results are promising for a condition that is known to carry a high mortality rate, and it may be that the time for a larger outcome trial approaches.

This will not give you a quick profit, but it will give you an added item and the potential for a larger outcome in the end.

There are no large series of outcomes for allo-HCT in neuroblastoma, with the present report being the largest series collected to date.

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