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Sentence examples for larger objectives for from inspiring English sources

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Sadly, the outreach will likely focus upon defeating the bill rather than upon the larger objectives for which it originally was conceived.

Huffington Post
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The larger objective for virtually all companies —  growth —  should flow as a natural consequence.

This coordinative mechanism worked reasonably well when the larger objectives of the system called for the kind of crash planning often seen in a war economy.

But the race fits into his larger objective of amassing momentum for what would be his first championship in three years.

For a given magnification, larger objectives produce a brighter image in dim light but also create a more massive binocular.

What's more, he made sure that even as he was fixing problems in Arkansas he was educating himself about global issues, preparing himself for his larger objective.

This review provides the rationale for integrating genomic and protein biomarkers in the evolving diagnosis and management of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) and its causal pathway to heart failure (HF), with a larger objective to serve as a template for genomic and phenomic profiling of other cardiovascular disease.

Anzelone's larger objective is to showcase the city's natural beauty and provide a venue for environmental education, guided woodland walks, and hands-on activities for children.

Similar imaging conditions were used for all nanoparticles (acceleration voltage 200 kV, large objective aperture).

Initially we had planned to include around 100 participants into this exploratory methodological study, however due to time constraints and objectives for the larger study [ 24], we only recruited 75 patients.

This year I didn't have a large objective.

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Australian Nationa University

Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.


Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak

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