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Sentence examples for large traffic from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 57 )

This is because places that generate large traffic, like big companies and universities, tend to share a particular prefix.

Central to the area is the Elephant and Castle, a large traffic roundabout named for an 18th-century inn.

High-grade highways designed for large traffic volumes need wider embankments than railways and low-grade highways.

It all started with a little story, based on newly released public data, about the large traffic jams in the San Juan metropolitan area.

Gusts of wind ripped a large traffic sign off a newly built highway near the rowing site, crushing a taxi but causing no injuries.

In other images, look out for the appearance of a new statue, Coca-Cola sign or – no surprise this – large traffic jam.

As proof, Mrs. Williams, and most of the other 400 year-round residents, point to the large traffic barrels down the center of the main road.

On Wednesday morning, it took two hours to pass through checkpoints between East Jerusalem and Ramallah, causing large traffic bottlenecks and high tempers.

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similar ( 3 )

Mixed with the dense photo-chemical smogs that regularly hang over most large traffic-choked Asian cities, south-east Asia's air pollution has become not just a major public health hazard but is said to be now threatening food production, tourism and economic expansion.

For example, the Los Angeles site reported that subjects moved often and required intensive tracing efforts, and that urban sprawl and the large, traffic-congested metropolitan area was cited by many subjects as a reason to drop out.

It was a classic: hedged about with a myriad of cones, equipped with an extra-large traffic light (mostly at red), and adorned with a cheery notice to the effect that old metal pipes (boo!) were being replaced with new plastic ones (hooray!), so we should all be jolly pleased.

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