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Sentence examples for keep revise from inspiring English sources

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In the coming days, a Homeland Security task force is to recommend whether to keep, revise or scrap the color-coded terrorism-alert system that has for years alternately panicked and befuddled Americans.

The New York Times

The developer of the RepPop database has the ultimate right to keep, revise or delete a particular contribution made by a user, which will be done on regular (say, monthly) basis, based on the input provided by the users through PmWiki.

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We keep revising our histories.

I want this "Faust" to keep revising itself and evolving.

So Oliver Stone will keep revising his films again and again ["Producing DVD's With Lavish Extras" by Peter M. Nichols, Aug. 27]?

AT In The Marriage Plot you do something very intricate with the way the timeframes overlap: since we're always seeing the story from roughly one centre of consciousness, the reader has to keep revising what they thought was true; and also, and most movingly, the reader watches a character not know something that the reader does know.

Wedekind was forced to keep revising the plays, a process that would continue until several versions of them existed, each telling of a Lulu who passes from lover to lover, husband to husband and eventually ends up destitute in London's East End.

And as he encourages us to imbue his company with the same limitless potential that as a rule we only vouchsafe for ourselves, we have to keep revising upward and outward our best guess of just what Bezos is really after.

"We are in a situation where inflation is high, there is no growth, growth has come down, we keep revising growth down and the fiscal deficit is high," N. Chandrasekaran, the chief executive of Tata Consultancy Services, India's largest technology outsourcing company, said on the panel.

The yawed long rod is described as a series of continuous finite disk elements which enables us to keep revising the time-dependent crater profile.

If we keep revising at early stages, we'll have a better product, which will make it easier to market and sell.

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