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Sentence examples for keep renovating from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 2 )

At the same time, Mr. Dunn, who started as a store salesman at Best Buy in 1985, plans to keep renovating.

Believing our well-being is defined in the eyes of others, we keep renovating our already renovated kitchens to prove that we have our shit together, and when we still feel like crap, we make sure to wake up with a smile and stop eating carbs after 6 p.m.

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similar ( 55 )

We kept renovating under the hood, but not the UI.

Quite a few of the new ultraright candidates seem to have gone to the ground, where they keep busy renovating their old positions.

But Ana wants to keep and renovate the old house, maintaining its charm while upgrading its facilities.

Fans of the old stadium, built in the late 1950s, lobbied to keep and renovate it, but the government opted to replace it with a more modern facility.

Henry attracted praise for choosing to keep and renovate the club's historic Fenway Park rather than build a new stadium, and in 2004 the team won the World Series for the first time since 1918.

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