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Sentence examples for keep readjusting from inspiring English sources

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If you could keep readjusting your musical bearings to the disorienting stylistic shifts, there were many rewarding works to hear over the weekend.

The New York Times - Arts

Moving out from the center, keep readjusting, stretching and gluing until you have cover the face evenly and securely.

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"You can tell she just shot cocaine," Thomas Kerr, an AIDS expert who does studies at the center, said of one young woman who keeps readjusting her tight tube top.

Spark plug do not have to changed frequently, as long as the gap keeps getting readjusted.

He keeps pausing to readjust the diabolical goggles.

He produced what will surely be one of the best Championship saves of the season - showing great reflexes to palm away a Roger Johnson effort and then somehow readjusting his body to keep out Ross McCormack's follow-up header.

It's the latter in the end, with Peter Odemwinge having space to cut in from the right before letting fly with a shot that hits Jamie O'Hara and flies past the wrong-footed Wolves keeper, who tried to readjust but could not keep the ball out.

He's going to keep his promises, he's going to readjust a lot of things that are out of sync in the world, and he's going to show America can lead the world".

In contrast to palimpsest models [17 22] in which old memories are overwritten, our model assumes that all memories are equally well preserved in the synaptic states of the network, which argues for additional plasticity rules that continuously readjust the synaptic matrix to keep old memories fresh.

If all the cracks dead-end, I readjust expectations, get defiant, and keep hitting.

After the Taliban drove Afghan forces from the city of Kunduz last year, Obama readjusted his timetable, announcing plans to keep the nearly 10,000 troops in Afghanistan through most of 2016, and leave 5,500 troops into 2017.

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