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Sentence examples for keep care from inspiring English sources

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"keep care" is not grammatically correct in written English. The correct phrase would be "take care" or "keep safe." Example: Before you go on your trip, take care and keep safe.

exact ( 5 )

The main goal of these health-care reforms is to keep care affordable and to increase both the system's efficiency and its responsiveness to patient needs.

The dollars flowing to doctors and hospitals help keep care available for all Americans, while also financing improvements in treatments and medical technology.

It is also crucial to keep care guidelines updated and to take new therapeutic developments and health research outcomes into account.

Make sure you keep care of yourself and stay healthy.

Make sure your skin is clear and smooth (Wash your face twice a day and keep care of it!) Use concealer and foundation for this if you like.

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similar ( 55 )

In the mean time, remember to keep caring, keep engaging and keep laughing.

Values aren't a birthright: you need to keep caring about them.

He and 19 other senior staff members stayed behind to keep caring for the center's 100 or so mostly bedridden residents, the oldest of whom is 102.

Some say keep caring.

In exchange for this, we have an obligation to those plants and animals to keep caring for them responsibly.

For things to go on, to keep caring about your own loved ones, to keep living your own life, one must be numb.

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