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Sentence examples for keep adapting from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 23 )

Keep adapting it so that it's relevant to the channel.

Hindi movies keep adapting "Godfather" and other movies based on the Italian mafia.

But as long as I don't know where the label's heading, and the sounds keep adapting, I'm happy".

The trick will be to keep adapting while remaining true to that founding vision of an understanding voice at the end of a telephone.

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similar ( 37 )

But over the next 20 years, Mr. Harbison kept adapting the work and scored it for large chamber ensemble.

Richard Kim, president of Venture Source, a firm that matches local entrepreneurs with foreign investors, reckons that only a small fraction of recent start-ups are making profits, and that many simply took the government subsidy and disappeared.It is too early to say who is right, but no one could fail to be impressed by the speed at which South Korea keeps adapting to a changing world.

When the environment changes, the residential energy scheduling algorithm gains new features and keeps adapting in real-time operations.

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