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With his lisp and his clammy little leer, he looks like an old queen keen on trading an aging butt-boy (Count Dooku) for fresh meat — which leaves Anakin looking more and more like a 15-watt bulb".

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But voters need to know more.The last time Mrs Clinton set out a detailed economic plan, during the 2008 campaign, she placed herself a little to the left of her husband in the 1990s (less keen on trade deals, for example) and quite close to where Mr Obama has ended up (indeed, Obamacare resembles her plan more than his).

And even when the war to end all wars was over, the powers once so keen on free trade erected tariff barriers.

Thanks to quirks of Senate arithmetic, a handful of centrists could hold the balance of power.The moderate start-ups tend to be fiscally conservative but socially liberal, keen on free trade and free markets, worried about social mobility and open to immigration.

Congress doubts that China should be in the World Trade Organisation; and politicians seem less keen on a "Millennium" global trade round than on bashing Europe about beef and bananas.The mid-1990s, when business helped to push through NAFTA and the GATT and scuttled Mr Clinton's "socialist" health-care plan, seem now like a golden age.

Barack Obama's campaign rhetoric left an impression of a man in two minds about trade, which he has since done nothing to dispel.Now that their exports are faltering, emerging economies too may become less keen on trade.

Although they weren't really too keen on any kind of trading system.

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