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Sentence examples for jeopardize the operation from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 4 )

He argued that any more detail could jeopardize the operation of his financial information company.

The crux of the drama revolves around two events, a power failure that could have been prevented and a freak windstorm that jeopardize the operation.

Some officials urged the Police Department to make public the cost of Mr. Safir's security detail, saying that disclosing such information would not jeopardize the operation itself.

The smugglers would also instruct the Chinese to avoid doing or saying anything that might jeopardize the operation -- or else risk harm to their families in China.

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similar ( 56 )

The delay, which a White House official said would be only a few days, will not jeopardize the operations of the government, as last summer's impasse over the debt ceiling did.

David Applegate, USGS associate director for natural hazards, said LightSquared's proposal would jeopardize the operations of several "high-precision GPS stations" that are used for "earthquake monitoring for at-risk urban areas in southern California, the San Francisco Bay Area, and the Pacific Northwest".

The SEC also noted, "It is believed the intrusion did not result in unauthorized access to personally identifiable information, jeopardize the operations of the Commission, or result in systemic risk". Nevertheless, it is reportedly working with relevant parties to determine if data from millions of corporate disclosures have been put to illegal use.

Mr. Colenso noted that the operation, known as Swift Freedom, was the Pentagon's first opportunity to put reporters on the ground alongside military forces and to take responsibility for their safety without jeopardizing the operation.

And then I encountered my first major roadblock that threatened to jeopardize the whole operation: I ran my first full-text Boolean search on the MySQL database and the results took a staggering 20 minutes to display.

By considering judicial nominations as part of regular order, the Senate can reduce the acute staffing shortages which now jeopardize the effective operation of our legal system.

These un-noticed "stringers" can jeopardize the entire operation.

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