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exact ( 1 )

"It is highly useful that the colleagues from China have made their data set available to the community.

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similar ( 59 )

It's highly useful, including indications of exactly where you get on board that Berlin train station, say.

It's highly useful, and it's free.

It appears that serotonin is highly useful as a signaling molecule.

These data show the availability of PAR at a specific latitude that is highly useful for locating an open pond algae cultivation system that transmits sufficient PAR to produce a higher biomass yield.

The middle temporal artery flap is a vascularized periosteal flap that is highly useful for otologic reconstruction including the middle cranial fossa, mastoidectomy defect, and external auditory canal.

The app represents a significant development in the effort to make accessible drug discovery data freely available in a form that is highly useful to scientists in general, not just cheminformatics experts.

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