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Sentence examples for it is highly significant that from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 16 )

Isn't he? Except, again, it is highly significant that Hemingway cut those passages.

It is highly significant that the CCC is raising its concerns publicly in this way".

It is highly significant that one of the first things this hydra-headed youth movement set out to achieve was the decapitation of its own official leadership.

It is highly significant that Plato should use mathematical (specifically, geometrical) examples to show that knowledge does not originate in sense experience; indeed, it is a sign of his perspicacity.

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similar ( 44 )

Meanwhile, the adjustment coefficient (Adj. R2) was 0.98923, which indicated that this model is highly significant, that is, it can accurately depict the microscopic stochastic process of the rapeseed oil hydrolysis reaction.

He said it was highly significant that the chair of the US Federal Reserve, the head of the World Trade Organisation, and the chair of Hitatchi were all warning against Britain leaving the EU.

So it's highly significant that Cameron is choosing to fund his run for the premiership with City money, even inhaling funds from hedge funds that engaged in short-selling the collapsing share price of Bradford and Bingley.

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