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Sentence examples for it is highly recommended that from inspiring English sources

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"it is highly recommended that" is a correct and usable phrase in written English. You can use this phrase when you are trying to strongly suggest that someone should do something. For example: "It is highly recommended that you wear sunscreen when spending time outside."

exact ( 60 )

It is highly recommended that the back of the certificate not be signed.

The assignments will not be graded, but it is highly recommended that you complete them.

However, it is highly recommended that students have at least three years of business experience.

It is highly recommended that students take DLCL 311 Professional Workshop in year two.

It is highly recommended that visitors call ahead to schedule an appointment at (510) 66510419.

While no infections have been reported, it is highly recommended that sterile material used for this technique.

It is highly recommended that you have taken a high school biology class to enroll in this course.

It is highly recommended that students take GERMAN 369 Introduction to the Profession of Literary Studies in year one.

It is highly recommended that your mother obtain out a second opinion from a provider of conventional medicine.

It is highly recommended that future studies explore the impact of using standardized patients on students' performance in clinical settings.

It is highly recommended that you work with a mental health professional.

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