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exact ( 2 )

It is highly feasible that these epitopes are also expressed in the oncospheres of the other cestodes, considering their functional and morphological similarities.

Thus, it is highly feasible that many people who get exposed by S. Typhi do not progress to develop the recognized disease syndrome, or individuals have a small amount of constant boosting due to prolonged exposure.

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similar ( 58 )

A strength of the brief advice intervention is that it is highly feasible [ 14].

The latter strongly suggest that automatic annotation along most of the dimensions is highly feasible, and that this new framework for scientific sentence categorization is applicable in practice.

With the Legendre Galerkin spectral method, numerical results show that the algorithm is highly feasible.

Findings from this pilot show that a SMART is highly feasible and acceptable to suicidal college students, counselors, and campuses.

Our results indicate that patients with an inflammatory rheumatic disease were comfortable with the SMS method and that the method is highly feasible in a multicentre setting.

First, the study is highly feasible.

Moreover, there was active transfer of learning, mainly with topics that were highly feasible, depending on their current situation.

Moreover, we could observe from the post-program progress reports that the transfer of learning was actively in progress, mainly for topics that were highly feasible.

There are highly feasible and cost-effective interventions that could avert up to 72% of neonatal deaths [ 11], but this can only be achieved if countries adopt locally relevant and focused interventions that are guided by evidence.

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Ha Thuy Vy

MA of Applied Linguistic, Maquarie University, Australia
English teacher at Nói Tiéng Anh Chuån, Vietnam

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