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exact ( 5 )

Jolene Rickard's "Blue Corn Room" also has an architectural shape (almost every piece in the exhibition involves images of walls and boundaries), but a sharper message.

Other work involves images of a woman's underarm covered in rose thorns to highlight the "narrow-minded views" towards women's body hair.

Although the popular perception of air pollution involves images of smoke stacks billowing out toxic black fumes into the atmosphere, industry and the power sector turn out to kill fewer than vehicle emissions, the data shows.

The code involves images of pentominoes and a frog, which is a recurring theme in the book.

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similar ( 55 )

The show has direct references to violence, two of which involve images of animals.

For instance, two exhibitions at Art Sites in Riverhead draw their inspiration from ideas of home and domesticity, themes that underlie several centuries of still life and genre painting, the latter involving images of domestic interiors and social life.

"Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs," left, an animated adaptation of the children's book, sold about $30.1 million in tickets at North American theaters, a robust total fueled partly by a marketing campaign involving images of raining noodles.

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