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Sentence examples for involvement in keeping from inspiring English sources

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Steroid hormone receptor status, HER-2 staining and Ki-67 index did not vary with tumour size or lymph node involvement, in keeping with previous observations (Bouzubar et al, 1989; Bottini et al, 1996).

British Journal of Cancer
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The task force's involvement was in keeping with "the Atlanta way," the long-standing tradition of bringing together black political power and white business power to address civic problems like segregation and sewer construction.

Additional funds raised by school fees or other means would give more scope, but also brings involvement of parents with an interest in keeping fees low while demanding a good service.

Asked on BBC Radio London during the Tories' candidate selection contest if and how a mayor should intervene, he argued for more involvement in principle and, in keeping with his interest in direct democracy, suggested that negotiations be relayed to the public live.

Male involvement in PMTCT is in keeping with traditional values that confers authority to men in most households.

Therefore, such involvement could be more helpful in keeping women, rather than men, from social isolation, and its contribution to SRH of women was observed.

Studies show that parental involvement is the number one factor in keeping kids safe online.

The factors associated with use in the early and middle adolescent groups were in keeping with parental involvement in health care decision-making.

The factors associated with use in early and middle adolescence were in keeping with parental involvement while the factors in young adulthood show the emerging independence of this group.

In keeping with the involvement of excitotoxic processes both during perinatal brain injury and in the course of neurodegenerative disorders in adulthood, the paradigms we chose to study induced neuronal damage predominantly through an excitotoxic cascade involving the activation of the NMDA-type glutamate receptor.

Concomitant upregulation of the architectural transcription factor Hmga2 was found in the pituitary adenoma, in keeping with its established involvement in pituitary tumorigenesis in mice and men (Fedele et al. 2006).

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