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exact ( 3 )

"I'm dealing with a world in which we have gotten struck by terrorists with airplanes, and we get intelligence saying that, you know, we want to harm America.

The ISAF representative declined to speak about what appeared to be faulty intelligence, saying that the troops acted on what was considered credible information and shot only because they were shot at.

IGN commented on the game's artificial intelligence, saying that it was not as well done as that of Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy, but still "purposefully comic and somewhat sophisticated" in others.

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similar ( 56 )

Greg Sterling, a search market analyst with Sterling Market Intelligence, says that's an example of how Google's "Don't be evil" motto has become an invitation to negative press, regardless of how it behaves compared with its competitors.

"Our intelligence says that Zarqawi is in Falluja," said Mowaffak al-Rubaie, the national security adviser.

But United States intelligence says that the Sunni rebellion also goes far beyond former Baathist government members.

Another lawyer, Richard L. Shiffrin, who until 2003 was the Pentagon's deputy general counsel for intelligence, said that Addington was "an unopposable force".

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