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Sentence examples for inexpensive proposition for from inspiring English sources

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"This is a relatively inexpensive proposition for the peace of mind," said Rick Paras, a retired police officer who recently took over the management of Pacific Heights Security Inc.

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One of the benefits of cramming so many pixels into 23 inches is that, perhaps, it eliminates the need for two monitors, which isn't always an inexpensive proposition.

Beginning a promotional venture in a virtual world is still a relatively inexpensive proposition compared with the millions spent on other media.

"It hasn't been an inexpensive proposition," said Kathy Oxian, 47. "But the more you have invested in your neighborhood, the more you want to save what's there.

Like the cars that inspired it, the Bentley suite is not an inexpensive proposition; rates start at $9,500 a night, excluding taxes.

Not an inexpensive proposition, then, this Amphicar ownership.

A similar new study in Montana's Glacier National Park proved useful, but it's "not an inexpensive proposition," Schwartz says.

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