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Sentence examples for increasing mention from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 3 )

Increasing mention is being made of more loosely linked collections of data, known by such names as multidatabases or federated databases.

While the most frequently mentioned prospect is New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, another name also is getting increasing mention: Lou Dobbs, CNN's fuming voice for the disaffected.

The first documented reference to industry in Radcliffe is after 1680, in the Radcliffe parish registers, which make increasing mention of occupations such as woollen webster (weaving), linen webster, and whitster (bleacher).

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similar ( 57 )

That seems unlikely to me, but when he searched a database of five million books printed in American or British English from 1800-2000 more convincing was the lack of any mentions of "pink for a boy", even though from 1890 onwards there were increasing mentions of "pink for a girl".

There was also a tendency of increased mentioning of help at home, or self-help after intervention.

In 1955, Ann Aldrich, the pseudonymous author of the best-seller "We Walk Alone," an informal ethnography of lesbian life, observed, "If homosexuality itself is not on the increase, mention of it among people today is far more prevalent than ever before".

Imaging also is completely undermined by the increasing realization, mentioned by Gopnik, that brain functions seem to be distributed over large and often chaotic and democratic networks.

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