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Sentence examples for including mention from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 19 )

Description: Video and description of Kawaiisu language revitalization efforts, including mention of individuals who have been involved in the program.

She covers a broad waterfront, even including mention of niche products that cater to interfaith couples (for example, holiday cards with elves spinning dreidels).

As for vacation hot spots, there are a few nods to Italy, including mention of Mt. ETNA, and some side trips to Latvia, Peru and Jamaica packed away within the theme answers.

The United States and Europe have already laid out extensive plans to use what they call "hooks" in the resolution, including mention of Iran's central bank, to try to impose additional unilateral sanctions.

An email from Jobs released as part of court proceedings last year showed that plans for "Apple TV" including mention of "TV subscription" and a list of potential networks.

Mr. Hyde, a longtime opponent of abortion, has said that it is more important to him that his AIDS bill passes and that including mention of abortion will set Democrats against it.

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similar ( 41 )

Gates' tweet last night – which has been retweeted almost 6,000 times (not including mentions) – has also been invaluable.

The episode features several sexual jokes, including mentions of orgasms, "sexual release" and use of the word "boner".

Feeling comfortable to speak your mind while you're hooking up with someone, including mentioning silly things like "your arm falling asleep," as Fancy Feast told me.

The other preconditions that were mentioned are shown in Table  4, including mentioned practical steps to fulfill these preconditions.

The information children received did not necessarily include mention of cancer.

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