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Sentence examples for in the following moments from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 1 )

However, the subject may become distinctly aware of the objects in the room and their features in the following moments.

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similar ( 57 )

Ronnie and Torquil's old classmate 15-year-old Wolston Weld-Forester was woken up by the explosions and later described the following moments in his memoir From Dartmouth to the Dardanelles.

To remind them of consumptions throughout the day, the following moments were indicated in the table: before breakfast, during breakfast, at mid-morning (between breakfast and lunch), during lunch, between lunch and afternoon tea, during afternoon tea, in the afternoon (between afternoon tea and dinner), during dinner, after dinner/before going to sleep and late at night/at dawn.

Characters are allied with each other at moments and are in conflict within immediately following moments.

A Technocrane was used for a crane shot that would cover the following moment, in which the hostages are placed in buses.

One moment I'm sighted and the following moment I'm blind.

In the following the first Hu-moment was used only, as higher moments sometimes caused collinearities in the following analyses.

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