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exact ( 2 )

NRT users constantly maintain their position with respect to cell's center, placed in groups of five NRT users in the following distances (Figure 8).

Specimens were collected from targets placed in the following distances from the muzzle: 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, and 100 cm as well as from hands and clothing of the shooter, that is, from places situated in front of and behind the gun muzzle.

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similar ( 57 )

In Figure 2a, we plot the normalized Robinson-Foulds (defined as the Robinson-Foulds distance divided by its maximum possible value, and denoted as n-R-F in the following) distance of the reconstructed gene trees to the true tree.

Brain cannulas were installed at the following distances (in mm) from Bregma: 3 deep, 0.2 rostral and 1.9 left.

In order to find the following distance, a vehicle is chosen as the target vehicle (if there exist a vehicle in the scene).

For the weighting scheme based on the frequencies of variants in cases, we receive the following distance vectors for cases and controls: with the elements and representing the derived distances between the weighted variant positions.

For this reason we have decided to use the following distance function in the ABC-SMC framework: d = ∑ i (x i + ϵ x i − x i * ) 2 x i * x* denotes the experimental data, x the simulation results and ε is a random variable drawn from a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 0.1 (error term); this approach has previously been proposed by Toni et al., 2009.

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MA of Applied Linguistic, Maquarie University, Australia
English teacher at Nói Tiéng Anh Chuån, Vietnam

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