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Sentence examples for in the following data from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 26 )

This preponderance of Soviet scholarship can be seen in the following data.

You could assign a new name to your survey data, so that you could use it in the following data analysis steps.

The schedules includes information about the transmit time slot, receive time slot, and the transmit power for the specific capsule in the following data slot section.

As a result, a sudden jump appears in the CFR estimates and may result in error propagation, making more errors in the following data symbol decision.

Among a set of candidate allocation that satisfies the QoS requirement, the second phase selects the allocation that maximizes the sum rate transferred over all the subchannels, in the following data transmission phase.

Although the existing algorithms could learn the parameters, they are no longer applicable in the following data conditions: 1. Non-quantitative data: a comprehensive description of a problem, especially of humanity and society, includes both quantitative data and qualitative language.

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similar ( 34 )

In summary, the following data were used (and collected at these ages).

In addition, the following data sources were used: The microbiological laboratory information system (LIS): Each Department of Clinical Microbiology (DCM) serving Danish hospitals maintains an electronic LIS.

For all patients/consultees who consented to participate in the study, the following data were collected: 1.

In the present study, the following data are acquired.

To study gender bias in Wikipedia, we consider the following data sources: 1.

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Terminologist and Q/A Analyst @ Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union

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