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Sentence examples for in spite of the pressures from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 6 )

Thankfully, there are also many places where trust and collaboration have been sustained in spite of the pressures under which both the VCS and local government are struggling.

In spite of the pressures of his important duties, he writes, he stood by his wife and did not abandon her.

However, from her visits to Belfast, she's observed the healing process, seeing how young people are becoming more progressive and are willing to go against the past, in spite of the pressures from parents and grandparents.

After all, she is the one who, in spite of the pressures, has the position and the authority to combine the factors.

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similar ( 53 )

In spite of the pressure on foreign investors, Russia's booming economy is luring companies here.

In spite of the pressure, you have "to sit back, to look at all the information available, process it, and talk to other people".

In the vacuum chamber during the deposition process, the specific humidity (defined as the ratio of mass of water vapor to unit mass of dry air) is kept constant in spite of the pressure decrease.

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