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exact ( 35 )

The itinerant life of the playwright involves a version of artistic couch-surfing in numerous settings.

"This Sheriff has refused to accept responsibility numerous times, in numerous settings," Lamberti, who lost to Israel in a four-way race in 2012, told me.

Artificial superhydrophobic surfaces have been developed with the potential of being applied in numerous settings including self-cleaning, anti-icing, oil-water separation, and especially anti-corrosion applications.

I call this phenomenon "the power paradox," and I've studied it in numerous settings: colleges, the U.S. Senate, pro sports teams, and a variety of other professional workplaces.

Descriptive norms provide social information on others' typical behaviors and have been shown to lead to prescriptive outcomes by "nudging" individuals towards norm compliance in numerous settings.

Chris's advice on information sharing and coordination within and between groups is relevant in numerous settings, ranging from the family, to the workplace, to companies and government agencies, and between allies.

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similar ( 25 )

But buried in Auto-Tune's numerous settings is "discretize".

On the other hand, difference equations play an important role in many fields such as numerous settings and forms, computing, electrical circuit analysis, biology, etc.

This paper responds to calls from researchers by addressing the much-needed request for value propositions in numerous service settings [35] such as that in a B2B context of cloud computing.

In numerous mathematical settings, an object typically has several representations.

However, in numerous practical settings the reliability of the route is also an important decision factor.

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PhD Student in Biology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia

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