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Sentence examples for in collision with from inspiring English sources

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"in collision with" is a correct and usable phrase in written English. It is typically used to describe a situation where two objects or ideas are coming into contact with each other and causing a forceful impact or conflict. Example: The two cars were in collision with each other, causing a loud crash and significant damage to both vehicles.

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Mr. Herzog's invention was to put the innocent Breitbart in collision with an evil, devious Hanussen.

A frankly polemical survey of scientific findings and procedures in collision with political operations.

Archives|SCHOONER SUNK IN CRASH.; Nirvana of Gloucester is in Collision With Steamer Off Cape Cod.

SCHOONER SUNK IN CRASH.; Nirvana of Gloucester is in Collision With Steamer Off Cape Cod.

The themes include living in collision with the city, apathy and anger, and day-of-the-week underpants.

In north Lincolnshire, a 55-year-old motorist died after he was in collision with a tanker.

A spokesperson for the Met said: "We can confirm a police car was in collision with a Ferrari.

"At the scene, a male pedestrian had been in collision with the side of a moving bus".

"I wanted to explore the sound of a mass of carefully tuned drums in collision with each other".

Head Impact Criteria (HIC) measures the possibility of inducing serious injury to the pedestrian's head in collision with the hood.

In collision with an ultrarelativistic electron bunch a laser pulse is back-scattered as hard X-rays.

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