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Sentence examples for implement a plan from inspiring English sources

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"implement a plan" is a correct and commonly used phrase in written English. It means to put a plan into action or to carry out a plan. Example: The company must implement a plan to reduce its carbon footprint and become more environmentally friendly.

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However, there is no mandate to actually implement a plan.

We need to implement a plan to safeguard our way of life and our citizens now.

It has also pledged some $350 million to help implement a plan to relieve traffic congestion in Manhattan.

"It's incumbent upon state and local governments to formulate and implement a plan to keep students safe".

"They have the power to implement a plan so I hope they look at it very carefully before any decisions are made.

The European Central Bank issued MPS with a deadline of the end of the year to implement a plan to make it more resilient.

But when I call them together to act and implement a plan, they have responded that they don't feel a sense of urgency and speed to resolve this".

Then, either in groups or as individuals, students create and implement a plan to help to help that person, with practical assistance or emotional support.

72% agree governments need to implement a plan to ensure the orderly closure of old coal plants and their replacement with clean energy (7% disagree and 14% neutral).

And yet, he added, "the economic hardship must be balanced against the city's statutory right to implement a plan that provides adequate representation to indigent defendants".

Soon after the wedding of Mr. Bahaji, who fled Germany after Sept. 11, the men in the Hamburg cell began to take concrete steps to implement a plan.

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