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exact ( 1 )

Realize that few people are highly skilled writers in a short space of time and most people write quickly with the intent to get the message off their to-do pile so they can get on with the next bit of work.

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similar ( 56 )

It is a very satisfying read by a highly skilled writer.

An image of professional journalists and highly-skilled writers, possibly wearing crowns, slaving over hot typewriters to produce 1000 words of crisp copy for an eager online audience; or perhaps of sharply-written web video, a la College Humor's original programming, or the New York Times' daily video podcasts.

Now Albee has been embraced by his detractors for having survived as a highly literate, skilled writer, in an atmosphere of intellectual blight.

I also discuss, more briefly, three additional issues: his earlier accusations that I "misrepresent" the work of others and "inexplicably" fail to mention aspects of the research that might be troublesome for the case against correction, the ecological validity of research on correction, and explanations for the fact that some learners become highly skilled second language writers.

"When we think of Fitzgerald, we tend to think of tragic novels he wrote, such as Gatsby and Tender Is the Night, but Temperature shows that he was equally adept and highly skilled as a short-story writer who was able to pen tales of high comedy," Gulli said at the time.

"When we think of Fitzgerald we tend to think of tragic novels he wrote such as Gatsby and Tender Is the Night, but Temperature shows that he was equally adept and highly skilled as a short story writer who was able to pen tales of high comedy," Gulli told the Associated Press.

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Thanks to Ludwig my first paper got accepted! The editor wrote me that my manuscript was well-written


Listya Utami K.

PhD Student in Biology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia

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