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Sentence examples for highly skilled physicians from inspiring English sources

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exact (3)

Among the possible explanations offered for the disparities are that the European study included only symptomatic patients, who may have had more advanced disease, and that the North American trial carefully screened the doctors doing the stenting procedure, including only highly skilled physicians with a lot of experience.

The New York Times - Health

The patient undergoing screening colonoscopy seeks an efficient unit with state-of-the-art equipment, highly skilled physicians, highly competent staff, accurate case documentation, comfortable surroundings, and consumer-friendly follow-through of care.

However, the providers administering controlled cord traction were all highly skilled physicians and nurses working in hospital settings.

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similar (54)

For instance, in Nigeria and other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, most medical research institutions have collapsed from the massive emigration flows of highly-skilled physicians [ 5].

Five domains recur in comments from both relatives of survivors and non-survivors: comprehensive care for them and for the patient, feeling confident by meeting highly skilled nurses and physicians, the need for structured, more frequent and uniform information, the need for better continuity in nurses' and physicians' care, and quality of patient room and the family facilities.

These services are provided by highly experienced and skilled physicians and many other essential professional medical staff, who come from all over the world, volunteering their time and expertise.

Most countries in the African Region of the World Health Organization (WHO) continue to experience the loss of a sizeable number of highly skilled health professionals (physicians, nurses, dentists, and pharmacists) by their migration to developed countries.

In addition to being a highly skilled and experienced physician specializing in both medical and cosmetic dermatology, Dr. Colbert has a degree in Internal Medicine and a Fellowship in Acne and Wound Healing from Boston University.

There is a lot to a comprehensive weight management program, and it's unlikely that even a highly skilled and motivated physician could address all of this on his or her own.

The intent of the PEH fellowship is to produce a highly skilled cadre of physician-scientists who will have interdisciplinary training in pediatrics and prevention, expertise in epidemiology, biostatistics, and risk assessment, and a deep fund of knowledge about the impacts of the environment on human development and child health.

Providing highly skilled individuals, such as ED physicians, with feedback on performance requires considerable skill and experience in human performance appraisal in order to ensure that such an exercise would result in performance improvement instead of putting the physicians on the defensive or increasing their anger with the nurses that work with them [ 6, 10, 26, 27].

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