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In short, peer-dependent privacy has become a significant exposure for companies that want to ensure the highest standards of data protection, privacy, and regulatory compliance.

"The highest standards of data privacy" should be a baseline in the trade talks, Hannes Swoboda, an Austrian member of the European Parliament, said in a statement Friday.

Any "trade pact will have to fully ensure the highest standards of data privacy for all citizens," and an ongoing reform of Europe's data protection law "must guarantee these standards for E.U. citizens when using U.S.-based Internet companies," Hannes Swoboda, an Austrian member of the parliament who is president of the Socialists & Democrats group, said in a statement on Tuesday.

Sid collects his data with the utmost care, and holds to the highest standards of data collection and interpretation.

The Directive sets strict limits on the collection and use of personal data, and sets out some of the highest standards of data protection in the world [10].

"Nielsen is committed to upholding the highest standards of data integrity," Nielsen said in a statement.

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Secure: Use digital platforms that meet high standards of data security and protect student and family privacy.

In early July, Deutsche Telekom opened a large, specialist, high-security data centre two hours from Berlin and is promoting its high standards of data protection.

"I believe the rapid pace of technological change we face will continue to accelerate and present challenges to information rights – we must ensure access to information while maintaining high standards of data protection," said Denham at the time she was named as information commissioner designate.

Key challenges during the monitoring were: (1) motivating household members to purchase the improved cookstoves (ICSs); (2) ensuring that the households made the transition to using the ICSs; and (3) maintaining high standards of data quality as a field team.

Although these data are information rich, they present numerous challenges in project design, implementation and analysis, which include: developing data collection tools that maximize data quantity while maintaining high standards of data quality, and applying new analytical and visualization techniques that can accurately reveal patterns in these data.

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Terminologist and Q/A Analyst @ Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union

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