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Sentence examples for high level of use from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 11 )

A Google search of instances of "terrorist" and "terrorism" in English-language texts over the last 120 years or so shows an extraordinary spike in the early 1970s, and a high level of use since then.

This family may be achieving a high level of use because it generates forms and ways to facilitate interpretation of information, as argued by Porter [46].

Basing his work on interviews with British solicitors, and other sources of information, he found a high level of use of technology in the provision of legal services, both on behalf of the government and in services provided to litigants.

The descriptive and matrices family may be achieving a high level of use because it generates forms and ways to facilitate interpretation of information, as argued by Porter [46].

This high level of use among those at the highest risk supports the achievability of the consensus guidelines.

Overall, respondents reported a high level of use and satisfaction with EHR functions facilitating transactional tasks such as electronic prescribing.

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similar ( 49 )

But what is unique about glyphosate is its ubiquity, and extremely high levels of use – associated with the GM "Roundup ready" crops bred just for it – and the levels many are consuming, which are almost impossible to avoid, as Green MEPs found in tests in 2016.

Sure, uncontrolled or ridiculously high levels of use can be harmful, just like excessive use of anything can be, but the recent demonization of these devices and concerns about the amount of time children spend using them is unjustified.

Converting any mainstream transport system to a renewable one also involves the conundrum that for consumers to use it the infrastructure must be in place, but high levels of use may be required to finance the infrastructure.

Consumption of tobacco and alcohol are often correlated, and this relationship is particularly strong at high levels of use in which heavy drinkers are likely to be heavy smokers and vice versa [71].

Particularly worrying are high levels of use among high school, college, and university students.

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PhD Student in Biology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia

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