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Sentence examples for high level of excellence from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 14 )

There are not many jobs you give Curtis Martin that aren't done at a high level of excellence".

Italian was completely ignored at Vittorino's school; all instruction was given in Latin, the study of which, along with Greek, reached a high level of excellence.

The culture of the age undoubtedly attained a high level of excellence, dominated by the personality of the emperor and his accomplishments.

The admissions committee looks for a high level of excellence in test scores, grades, communication, leadership, teamwork, innovation and professional experience.

The Executive MBA Fund provides unrestricted and much-needed support to our Executive MBA Program, helping address the program's most pressing needs and sustaining its high level of excellence.

Always innovative and also determined to bring art reproduction at a high level of excellence to a broad audience, he created and expanded areas including a reproduction studio, the mail-order catalogue, the carefully designed shops within the building, and satellite sales shops that are now located both around the U.S. and abroad.

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similar ( 46 )

This is about actually getting the job done, expecting high levels of excellence and being able to work well with others.

Upon receiving their degrees, Lambda Nu brothers have been known to reach high levels of excellence in all fields of human endeavor including but not limited to, medicine, law, engineering, business and sports.

Xin Li, an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science, has been selected by the National Science Foundation for its prestigious CAREER Award, which recognizes early stage scholars with high levels of excellence and promise.

Not, at least, five orchestras functioning at the highest level of excellence.

And under James Levine, the orchestra played with radiant sound, spaciousness and a rhythmic suppleness that represented an even higher level of excellence than before.

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MA of Applied Linguistic, Maquarie University, Australia
English teacher at Nói Tiéng Anh Chuån, Vietnam

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