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Sentence examples for he has insights from inspiring English sources

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The sentence 'he has insights' is correct and usable in written English. This can be used to indicate that someone has a good understanding of something. For example, "Through his years of experience, he has insights into complex issues."

exact ( 7 )

"He has insights into your fears and challenges.

The Irish government has followed some of UNESCO's recommendations, including naming a panel of independent Irish scholars to oversee the site.This panel has given heart to Mr Gibbons, who says he has insights of his own that merit a hearing.

Mr. Snyder, whose previous films include "300" and "Sucker Punch," said in a statement, "Zod is not only one of Superman's most formidable enemies, but one of the most significant because he has insights into Superman that others don't.

What I will do is, I think I'm going to give him your number, and I'm going to tell him that, if he has insights to share, he should share them directly with you.

Snyder stated, "Zod is not only one of Superman's most formidable enemies, but one of the most significant because he has insights into Superman that others don't.

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similar ( 53 )

He has insight and empathy and knows how to fly the Tardis, and he also made a decent fist of ruling "firmly but wisely" in 12th-century Constantinople (a comic strip or audio play of this off-screen storyline, please).

But he has insight into American national strategy and knows a lot about new military technologies, and a few of his passing claims in The Reagnanan Imprint might make it grist for future historians.

Trump has repeatedly made statements suggesting he has insight into what is happening inside the Mueller investigation.

As such, he has insight into what makes Last Mango work, "First of all Mango is made up of a big group of friends who are also some of the best guys in the world.

"He had insights into one of the best hedge funds in the world.

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