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If they win in May, the SPD and Greens will claim it as a harbinger of victory in next year's federal election.

However after two weeks of grinding battles with loyalist forces in most districts, it may not be a harbinger of victory.

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The 2017 campaign lawn signs haven't come down yet, but pundits are already calling the November 7th results a harbinger of Democratic victories to come in 2018.

Can Hizbullah's victory in Lebanon be the harbinger of other Arab victories to come?

Was this a harbinger of a Republican victory in November?

(Published Feb. 13) 2. BEAGLE IS TOP HOUND AT WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW A harbinger of Uno's victory.

Earlier in the spring, many of those Native Americans had congregated to celebrate the annual Sun Dance ceremony, at which Sitting Bull experienced a prophetic vision of soldiers toppling upside down in his camp, which he interpreted as a harbinger of a great victory for his people.

Steven Erlanger, the paper's London bureau chief, said many Americans were "surprised and even bewildered" by the EU referendum result, but there was "a lot of sympathy, too, I think, from one nation-state to another", particularly as Donald Trump heralded Brexit as a harbinger of his own victory.

James McGreevey, an unknown and underwhelming local Democrat, has pulled even with her in some of the opinion polls.Four years ago, when Mrs Whitman upset New Jersey's incumbent Democratic governor, her victory proved a harbinger of the spectacular Republican victories of 1994.

Political pundits said the result represented a 16.5percentt swing among voters from Labour to Conservative, and cast the result as a further harbinger of a likely Conservative victory in a general election Mr. Brown must call by early June.

Hollande's victory in France is no more a harbinger of a general leftward shift than Rajoy's victory in Spain a little while ago heralded a general rightward shift; these are just the "outs" benefiting from the fact that they aren't in, and the economy stinks.

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